Hire Facebook pixel setup experts with server-side Tracking  No more Data grap

In the dynamic world of the digital marketing boom, Facebook pixel setup experts a crucial role in optimizing ad campaigns. It’s essentially a piece of code that, when added to your website, helps track user actions, gather valuable data, and refine ad targeting. For advanced ad targeting to get high-converting ads camping

However, setting up this pixel correctly requires a certain level of expertise, which is where Facebook pixel setup experts come into the picture. Hire an advanced pixel setup with a server-side tracking expert

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Why Facebook Pixel Setup Matters

Facebook pixel setup experts

Tracking User Interactions

Facebook Pixel is a tool that helps businesses track the actions of users on their websites and measure the effectiveness of their ads. It is a small piece of code that is added to a website and tracks user behavior, such as page views, clicks, and purchases. 

The data collected by Facebook Pixel can be used to optimize ads and improve the targeting of future campaigns.

Collecting Valuable Data for Analytics

Pixels provide rich analytics, enabling understanding of audience and strategy tweaking through data collection and analysis, reaching simple tracking.

Setting up Facebook Pixel is important because it provides businesses with valuable insights into their audience’s behavior and helps them make data-driven decisions.

Improving Ad Targeting and Conversions

A finely tuned Facebook pixel means better ad targeting. These experts use the gathered data to create custom audiences based on user behavior. 

That way, your ads reach the right people, leading to higher chances of engagement and conversions.

By tracking user behavior, businesses can identify which ads are performing well and which ones need improvement. This information can be used to optimize ad campaigns and improve their return on investment (ROI).

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Qualities of Facebook Pixel Setup Experts

qualities Facebook pixel setup experts

In-depth knowledge of Facebook Pixel

These setup experts aren’t just dabblers; they’re deep divers into the world of Facebook pixels. They keep up with the latest features, changes, and tricks, making sure your pixel is not just set up but optimized.

Experience in Pixel Implementation

Experience matters, especially when it comes to implementing pixels. These pros have been around the block, setting up and optimizing pixels for various businesses. They’ve got the scars and the victories to prove it.

Understanding of Analytics and Reporting

It’s not just about setting up; it’s about making sense of the data. These experts are skilled at turning pixel-generated data into meaningful insights. They hand you reports that are not just numbers but actionable strategies.

Problem-solving skills

A Facebook Pixel setup expert should be able to troubleshoot issues and solve problems quickly. They should be able to identify the root cause of an issue and develop a solution to fix it.

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Step-by-Step Guide to Facebook Pixel Setup

Creating a Facebook Business Manager Account

To kick off the Facebook pixel setup, you start by creating a Facebook Business Manager account. It’s like your command center for all things Facebook marketing. These setup pros walk you through this step, making sure you’re set up for success.

Generating the Pixel Code

Once the stage is set, it’s time to generate the pixel code. Think of it as your website’s VIP pass. These experts customize the code based on your goals, making sure it’s not just functional but tailored to your needs.

Installing the Pixel Code on Your Website

With the code in hand, it’s time to get it on your website. These experts know the ins and outs of various platforms, ensuring a smooth integration. Whether it’s manual coding or plugins or advanced tagging helper Google Tag Manager they’ve got it covered.

Verifying Pixel Installation

Just putting the code there isn’t enough. These setup aces use diagnostic tools to double-check that the pixel is firing on all cylinders. It’s like a final dress rehearsal before the big show, ensuring everything works as it should.

Configuring Events for Tracking

Beyond the basics, these experts help you set up specific events for tracking. Whether it’s a purchase or a video view, they make sure you’re not just tracking – you’re tracking the stuff that matters.

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Common Challenges and Troubleshooting

Addressing Installation Issues

Sometimes things don’t go as planned. These setup wizards foresee common issues and tackle them head-on. Whether it’s a clash with your website or a platform hiccup, they’ve got the solutions.

Troubleshooting Tracking Problems

In the ever-changing digital world, tracking can hit a snag. These experts are like digital detectives, identifying and fixing tracking issues pronto. Whether it’s a data discrepancy or a sudden dip in accuracy, they’re on it.

Staying Updated with Changes in Facebook Pixel Features

Facebook likes to keep us on our toes with updates. These experts stay ahead of the game, ensuring your pixel is not just up to date but riding the wave of the latest features. It’s like having a tech-savvy sidekick.

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Benefits of Hiring Facebook Pixel Setup Experts


A Facebook Pixel setup expert has the technical knowledge and experience to set up the pixel correctly and optimize ad campaigns for maximum ROI.

Time and Effort Savings

Setting up a pixel can be time-consuming, especially if you’re not a pro. These experts streamline the process, saving you time and effort. They make sure the pixel is up and running so you can focus on the bigger picture.


 A Facebook Pixel setup expert can customize the pixel to meet your specific business needs. They can help you set up events to track the actions that matter most to your business, such as purchases or sign-ups.

Maximizing the Full Potential of Facebook Pixel

Pixel setup isn’t just about getting it done; it’s about unlocking its full potential. These experts customize settings, optimize tracking, and tap into advanced features. Your pixel isn’t just there; it’s a powerhouse.

Ensuring Accurate Data Collection and Analysis

In the data game, accuracy is everything. These experts fine-tune your pixel to capture data with precision. It’s not just about numbers; it’s about data you can trust for informed decisions. 

A Facebook Pixel setup expert can analyze the data collected by the pixel and provide insights into user behavior. This information can be used to optimize ad campaigns and improve ROI.


If you encounter any issues with your pixel or ad campaigns, a Facebook Pixel setup expert can help you troubleshoot and resolve the issue quickly.

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How to Choose the Right Facebook Pixel Setup Expert

Facebook Pixel Setup Expert

Researching Credentials and Experience

Look for a Facebook Pixel setup expert who has experience setting up and managing Facebook ad campaigns. They should be familiar with the Facebook Ads Manager and have a strong technical background

Choosing the right setup expert Check their credentials, dive into their experience, and make sure they’ve got the chops to handle your pixel. It’s like hiring a guide – you want the best.


portfolio of server side pixel setup by rafsan alamin

Ask to see examples of their previous work. A good Facebook Pixel setup expert should be able to provide case studies or examples of successful ad campaigns they have managed.

Testimonials and Reviews

What do others say? Client testimonials and reviews spill the beans on the real deal. Positive experiences from others are a good sign that this expert is worth considering.

Evaluating Pricing and Service Packages

Budget matters, but so does value. These experts have clear pricing structures and service packages. It’s not just about the cost; it’s about what you get for it.


Make sure the Facebook Pixel setup expert you choose is available to work on your project within your timeline. You don’t want to hire someone who is too busy to give your project the attention it deserves.

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Facebook pixel server-side tracking

Facebook pixel server-side tracking

The Facebook Server-Side API is a powerful tool for measuring ad campaign performance without affecting data privacy or browser restrictions. It sends data to your own server instead of placing tracking pixels and cookies directly in visitors’ browsers. 

To set up the API, you need a Facebook Business Manager, a Facebook Pixel installed on your website, and a Facebook App associated with your Business Manager.

ISO 14 update stop collecting third-party data. It will stop Google when they stop data collecting it affects the advertising industry for this reason Meta recommends setting up a server-side pixel here important Facebook conversion setup guide 

What are the benefits of using Facebook Server-Side tracking?

Facebook Server-Side API is an advanced way to measure the performance of your ad campaigns without your data being affected by browser restrictions or privacy tools. Instead of placing tracking pixels and cookies directly in your visitors’ browsers (known as client-side tracking), Server-Side Tracking sends the data to your own server first 

Here are some benefits of using Facebook Server-Side API:

Increased data resiliency: 

Server-side API allows merchants to increase retargeting list sizes and lookalike audiences to track more conversion data and ultimately allow for greater reach for campaigns and better optimization

Advanced data collection: 

Server-side API allows for more reliable tracking of events than just client-side which is subject to things like ad blocking and cookie restrictions.

Improved attribution: 

Recent restrictions around browser cookie storage have affected Facebook’s ability to attribute campaigns to conversions. Through the implementation of the Conversions API, this gap of conversion data can be filled in by organizations to help optimize ad targeting and decrease cost per action.


Server-side API can be customized to meet your specific business needs. You can set up events to track the actions that matter most to your business, such as purchases or sign-ups 

Data analysis: 

The data collected by Server-Side API can be used to analyze user behavior and provide insights into how users interact with your website. This information can be used to optimize the website’s design, improve user experience, and increase conversion rates

If you’re interested in learning more about Facebook Server-Side API and how to set it up, you can visit the Facebook Business Help Center

Case Studies and Success Stories

Here are some case studies and success stories about the Facebook Pixel setup:

Meta Pixel: Meta Pixel is a Facebook case study that showcases how businesses can use Facebook Pixel to improve their ad campaigns. You can read more about it on the Facebook Business website 

HubSpot: HubSpot has compiled a list of 11 Facebook case studies that show how different companies have succeeded on the platform. You can read more about it on the HubSpot

Facebook Marketing Partners: Facebook Marketing Partners has a collection of case studies and success stories that demonstrate how partners are helping businesses grow. You can filter stories by solution, industry, and region to find those most relevant to your business

What are some common mistakes to avoid when setting up Facebook Pixel?

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when setting up Facebook Pixel:

  1. Failing to install the Facebook Pixel: This is the most fundamental mistake. Make sure you have installed the Facebook Pixel on your website.
  2. Not customizing the pixel: Facebook Pixel can be customized to meet your specific business needs. Make sure you set up events to track the actions that matter most to your business, such as purchases or sign-ups.
  3. Not testing the pixel: Make sure you test the pixel to ensure it is working correctly. You can use the Facebook Pixel Helper to check if the pixel is installed correctly and if it is tracking events.
  4. Not optimizing ad campaigns: The data collected by Facebook Pixel can be used to optimize ad campaigns and improve ROI. Make sure you analyze the data and use it to improve your ad campaigns.
  5. Not Server-side tracking: in 2024 will be a cookies-less world. Already IOS 14 update stops collecting third-party data. If you are not tracking the server side. You will lose the majority of data.
  6. Not hiring an expert: Setting up Facebook Pixel can be time-consuming and complex. Hiring an expert can save you time and ensure that the pixel is set up correctly

Top 5 Facebook pixel setup with server-side tracking experts list in UAE

1. Rafsan Alamin

2. Tanzil Ahmed

3. Taskin Ahmed

4. sajidsulaiman

5. Rishbana

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Setting up a Facebook pixel expert is crucial in digital marketing, and hiring an expert is essential. It’s not just about getting the pixel on your site; it’s about getting it right. These qualities guide you to find an expert who not only sets up your pixel but also propels your business into the digital spotlight. we recommend hiring a server-side tracking expert you can check out Rafsan alamin service 

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