Web tracking in E-commerce what it is How to do The Ultimate Guide

Web tracking in E-commerce tracking is a crucial process for businesses to collect customer data, enabling them to personalize their websites, cater to their target audience, and create successful campaigns.

The big data market is expected to be worth $229.4 billion by 2025, highlighting the importance of data in businesses. E-commerce tracking platforms can reveal various metrics such as total revenue, conversion rate, average order value, customer lifetime value, engagement, and time spent on the page.

Most e-commerce platforms offer some level of e-commerce tracking, but they often lack analysis and guidance on how to use the data. Verfacto, a data-driven marketing platform, addresses this issue by integrating data from various sources, such as Google Tag Manager, and running statistical analysis on each data point.

This provides precise statistics and demonstrates how to use the data effectively. Verfacto’s automatic calculations keep users updated on their store’s activities and recommend changes to optimize on-site marketing.

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Table of Contents

What are the implications of web tracking?

Web tracking in E-commerce

E-commerce tracking is a crucial tool for businesses to gather detailed marketing insights about their customers. It helps in obtaining information about search queries, site visits, contact information, and product purchases. 

However, it can also lead to privacy breaches, such as cross-device tracking and linking of online and offline activities. To protect users’ privacy, tools like Privacy Badger, Ghostery, and Disconnect can be used.

E-commerce tracking platforms can reveal a variety of data, including sales data and customer behavioral tracking. Key metrics include total revenue, conversion rate, average order value, customer lifetime value, engagement, and time spent on the page.

Most e-commerce platforms offer some level of e-commerce tracking, but they often lack analysis and explanation for the data they track.

Verfacto, a data-driven marketing platform, addresses this issue by integrating data from various sources, such as Google Tag Manager.

It runs statistical analysis on each data point, providing precise statistics and demonstrating how to use the data. Verfacto’s automatic calculations keep users updated on their store’s activities and recommend changes to optimize on-site marketing.

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What is website tracking?

Website tracking refers to the process of monitoring and collecting data about the activities and behavior of visitors on a website. It involves using various tools and technologies to gather insights into how users interact with a site, what pages they visit, how long they stay, and the actions they take.

The primary goal of website tracking is to analyze user behavior and gather valuable information that can be used to improve the overall performance, user experience, and effectiveness of a website.

This data is crucial for businesses, marketers, and website owners to make informed decisions, optimize content, and enhance the overall online presence.

Key aspects of website tracking include:

Visitor Analytics: Understanding the number of visitors, their geographical location, and the devices they use to access the website.

Page Views: Tracking the number of times each page on the website is viewed to identify popular content.

User Engagement: Monitoring user interactions such as clicks, form submissions, and downloads to gauge engagement levels.

Bounce Rate: Analyzing the percentage of visitors who leave the site after viewing only one page, providing insights into content relevance.

Conversion Tracking: Identifying and tracking specific actions that align with the website’s goals, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or filling out a contact form.

Referral Sources: Determining where website traffic is coming from, whether from search engines, social media, or other websites.

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Importance of web tracking in e-commerce

E-commerce tracking is the process of recording and collecting customer data, which is vital for businesses that run e-commerce websites. It helps businesses to personalize their website, accommodate directly to their target audience, and create effective campaigns that are statistically likely to succeed. By analyzing customer data, businesses can increase their conversion rate, customer average order value, and customer lifetime value

Web tracking plays a crucial role in e-commerce, providing valuable insights and facilitating strategic decision-making. Here are several key aspects highlighting the importance of web tracking in e-commerce:

Understanding Customer Behavior:

Web tracking allows e-commerce businesses to understand how visitors navigate their website, which pages they view, and the products they are interested in. This insight helps in optimizing the user experience and making data-driven decisions.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO):

Tracking user interactions, such as clicks, form submissions, and purchases, helps identify areas for improvement. E-commerce businesses can optimize their website’s design, layout, and checkout process to enhance conversion rates.

Personalization and User Experience:

Web tracking enables the implementation of personalized experiences. By analyzing customer preferences and behavior, e-commerce platforms can tailor product recommendations, offers, and content to individual users, enhancing the overall user experience.

Shopping Cart Abandonment Analysis:

Tracking the steps users take before abandoning their shopping carts provides valuable insights into potential barriers or issues in the purchasing process. E-commerce businesses can then implement strategies to reduce cart abandonment rates.

Inventory Management:

Monitoring product popularity and stock levels through web tracking helps in efficient inventory management. E-commerce platforms can anticipate demand, avoid stockouts, and promote products that need a sales boost.

Refinement of Marketing Strategies:

By analyzing referral sources, e-commerce businesses can evaluate the effectiveness of various marketing channels. This information aids in optimizing marketing strategies, allocating resources effectively, and focusing on channels that drive the most traffic and conversions.

Customer Journey Mapping:

Web tracking enables the creation of customer journey maps, illustrating the entire path a customer takes from landing on the website to making a purchase. Understanding this journey helps in identifying touchpoints for improvement and providing a seamless experience.

A/B Testing:

E-commerce websites can conduct A/B testing to compare different versions of web pages and features. Web tracking metrics help measure the performance of each variant, allowing businesses to implement changes that positively impact user engagement and conversions.

Customer Retention Strategies:

Tracking customer behavior over time aids in the development of effective retention strategies. E-commerce platforms can identify loyal customers, offer personalized promotions, and implement loyalty programs to encourage repeat business.

Web tracking helps e-commerce businesses stay agile and adapt to changing market trends. Monitoring the performance of products and understanding customer preferences allows for timely adjustments to product offerings and marketing strategies.

web tracking in e-commerce is invaluable for optimizing the user experience, enhancing conversion rates, refining marketing efforts, and making informed business decisions. It empowers e-commerce businesses to stay competitive, improve customer satisfaction, and ultimately drive growth in the online marketplace.

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How Does Website Tracking Work?

Web tracking in E-commerce

Website tracking involves the use of various tools and technologies to monitor and analyze user behavior on a website. It plays an important role in understanding how visitors interact with the site, providing valuable insights that can inform strategic decisions.

Here’s a breakdown of how website tracking works:

1. Tracking:

Cookies: Cookies are small text files stored on a user’s device when they visit a website. They contain information about the user’s interactions, preferences, and session data. Cookies enable websites to recognize returning visitors and track their activities.

Pixel Tags: Also known as web beacons or tracking pixels, these are tiny, invisible images embedded on web pages. When a user loads a page with a pixel, it triggers a request to the server, allowing the website to collect information about the user’s visit.

JavaScript: Website tracking often involves the use of JavaScript code snippets embedded in web pages. These scripts collect data about user interactions, such as clicks, scrolls, and form submissions.

2. Data Collection:

Page Views: Tracking tools record each page a user visits on a website, creating a chronological record of their journey.

Time Spent on Pages: The duration a user spends on specific pages provides insights into the content’s engagement level.

Click Tracking: Monitoring user clicks helps understand which elements or links attract the most attention.

Form Submissions: Tracking form submissions is crucial for analyzing user interactions with lead generation or checkout processes.

3. User Identification:

User Accounts: For logged-in users, tracking is often tied to user accounts, allowing for a more personalized analysis of individual behavior.

IP Addresses: In some cases, IP addresses are used to identify unique users. However, this method has limitations, especially when users share the same IP (e.g., in a corporate environment).

4. Analytics Platforms:

Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, etc: These platforms offer a complete suite of tools for website tracking. They aggregate and present data in user-friendly dashboards, providing insights into user demographics, traffic sources, and behavior.

Custom Tracking Solutions: Some businesses implement custom tracking solutions tailored to their specific needs, using a combination of in-house tools and third-party services.

5. Data Analysis:

Segmentation: Data can be segmented based on various criteria such as demographics, device types, or geographic locations to uncover specific patterns.

Conversion Tracking: Identifying and analyzing conversion events, like completing a purchase or filling out a form, is crucial for evaluating the success of specific goals.

A/B Testing: Website tracking is often used in conjunction with A/B testing to compare different versions of a webpage and determine which performs better.

6. Privacy Considerations:

User Consent: With privacy regulations in place, websites often seek user consent before implementing tracking technologies. This ensures transparency and compliance with data protection laws

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Types of Web Tracking in E-commerce

Types of Web Tracking in E-commerce

Web tracking in e-commerce encompasses various types of tracking methods and tools, each serving a specific purpose in understanding and optimizing the online shopping experience. Here are some key types of web tracking in e-commerce:

1.Pageview Tracking

  • Definition: Monitoring the number of times each page on your e-commerce website is viewed.
  • Purpose: Understand which pages are most popular, track user navigation, and identify high-traffic areas.

2. Event Tracking

  • Definition: Capturing specific user interactions on the website, such as clicks on buttons, downloads, video views, or interactions with specific elements.
  • Purpose: Analyze user engagement with specific features or content, providing insights into user behavior beyond page views.

3. E-commerce Tracking

  • Definition: Tracking transactions, including product purchases, order values, and the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.
  • Purpose: Measure the success of online sales, understand the revenue generated, and attribute sales to specific marketing channels.

4. Cart Abandonment Tracking

  • Definition: Monitoring instances where users add items to their shopping cart but do not complete the purchase.
  • Purpose: Identify potential friction points in the checkout process, implement strategies to reduce cart abandonment, and recover potentially lost revenue.

5. User Session Tracking

  • Definition: Tracking the entire session of a user on the website, including the pages visited, time spent, and interactions.
  • Purpose: Gain a holistic view of user journeys, identify patterns, and optimize the overall user experience.

6. Cross-device Tracking

  • Definition: Following a user’s interactions across multiple devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and desktops.
  • Purpose: Understand how users switch between devices during their journey, providing insights for creating a seamless and consistent experience across platforms.

7. Customer Segmentation

  • Definition: Grouping users based on specific characteristics or behaviors, such as demographics, location, or purchasing history.
  • Purpose: Tailor marketing efforts, promotions, and personalized experiences to specific customer segments for improved targeting and engagement.

8. Heatmaps

  • Definition: Visual representations of user interactions on a webpage, indicating areas of high or low engagement.
  • Purpose: Identify areas of interest, user scrolling patterns, and elements that attract attention, aiding in website design and layout optimization.

9. Referral Tracking

  • Definition: Monitoring the sources from which users arrive at the website, such as search engines, social media, or external links.
  • Purpose: Understand the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, identify high-performing channels, and optimize marketing strategies.

10. Social Media Tracking

  • Definition: Monitoring user interactions with your e-commerce site through social media platforms.
  • Purpose: Measure the impact of social media marketing, understand user engagement on social channels, and optimize social media strategies.

11. Custom Event Tracking

  • Definition: Creating custom events based on unique user interactions that are specific to your e-commerce business.
  • Purpose: Tailor tracking to business-specific goals and metrics, providing a more personalized and in-depth analysis.

Tracking Platforms

There are several web tracking platforms available that can help businesses track user behavior and improve their online presence. Here are some of the most popular ones:

  1. Google Analytics
  2. Adobe Analytics
  3. Hotjar
  4. Microsoft clarity 
  5. Mixpanel

4 common Google Analytics mistakes: eCommerce edition

When using Google Analytics for eCommerce websites, there are several common mistakes that businesses often make. Addressing these errors can help ensure accurate data tracking and interpretation. Here are four common Google Analytics mistakes specific to eCommerce:

Not Setting up Enhanced eCommerce Tracking:

Enhanced eCommerce tracking provides detailed insights into the entire customer journey, from product views to transactions. Some eCommerce websites neglect to enable this feature, missing out on valuable information like shopping behavior, checkout behavior, and product performance. To avoid this mistake, ensure that Enhanced eCommerce is properly configured in your Google Analytics account.

Ignoring Cross-Domain Tracking:

For eCommerce businesses that operate multiple domains (e.g., separate domains for the main site and the checkout process), it’s crucial to implement cross-domain tracking. Failing to do so can result in incomplete data, making it challenging to understand the user journey across different domains. To address this, set up cross-domain tracking to ensure a seamless and accurate view of user interactions.

Incomplete Goal Setup:

Goals in Google Analytics allow you to track important actions, such as completed purchases, sign-ups, or other conversions. Some eCommerce websites either set up incomplete goals or fail to set up goals altogether. It’s essential to define and configure goals that align with your business objectives. For eCommerce, this often includes setting up goals for order confirmations, newsletter sign-ups, or other key conversion events.

Site search can provide valuable insights into user intent and product discovery. However, some eCommerce websites overlook setting up site search tracking in Google Analytics. By enabling site search tracking, you can understand what users are searching for on your site and how well your site is meeting their needs. This information can inform content optimization, product offerings, and site navigation improvements.

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The benefits of user tracking

The benefits of user tracking

when implemented responsibly and in compliance with privacy regulations, can offer several benefits for website owners, marketers, and businesses. Here are some of the key advantages of user tracking:

Website Optimization:

User tracking allows you to analyze user behavior on your website, including which pages they visit, how long they stay, and the actions they take. This data helps in identifying areas for improvement and optimizing the user experience. By understanding how users interact with your site, you can make informed decisions to enhance navigation, content, and overall website performance.


Tracking user preferences and behavior enables you to deliver personalized experiences. By analyzing past interactions, you can tailor content, product recommendations, and marketing messages to individual users. Personalization can improve user engagement, increase conversion rates, and enhance overall satisfaction.

Marketing Effectiveness:

User tracking provides insights into the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. You can track the performance of different channels, campaigns, and advertisements. This data helps in allocating resources effectively, identifying high-performing strategies, and optimizing marketing efforts to maximize return on investment (ROI).

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO):

Understanding user journeys and interactions allows you to identify bottlenecks in the conversion process. By analyzing the conversion funnel, businesses can implement targeted changes to improve conversion rates. This might involve optimizing landing pages, simplifying the checkout process, or addressing other factors influencing user decision-making.

Product and Content Development:

User tracking provides valuable insights into user preferences, popular content, and product interests. This information can guide product development, content creation, and inventory management. By aligning your offerings with user preferences, you are more likely to meet customer needs and increase satisfaction.

Customer Retention:

Tracking user behavior over time helps in building customer profiles and understanding their lifecycle. This information is valuable for customer retention efforts. By identifying patterns associated with customer churn and engagement, businesses can implement targeted strategies to retain customers, such as personalized offers, loyalty programs, or re-engagement campaigns.

Data-Driven Decision Making:

User tracking transforms raw data into actionable insights. Businesses can make informed decisions based on real user behavior rather than relying on assumptions. This data-driven approach is essential for staying competitive, adapting to changing market conditions, and continuously improving business strategies.

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Best Practices for Implementing Web Tracking in E-commerce

Setting Clear Objectives for Tracking

Before diving into the tracking game, businesses need a game plan. What are they hoping to achieve? It’s like having a roadmap before setting out on a journey.

Ensuring Transparency in Data Collection

Transparency is key. Businesses should be like an open book, letting users know what data they’re collecting and why. It’s all about building trust in this digital relationship.

Regularly Analyzing and Updating Tracking Configurations

Think of tracking configurations like a well-tuned engine. Regular check-ups and tweaks ensure everything runs smoothly. It’s a bit like giving your car a service to keep it cruising down the highway without a hitch.

Integrating Web Tracking with Marketing Strategies

Web tracking isn’t a lone wolf; it’s part of a pack. Businesses should weave it into their broader marketing strategies. It’s like having all the instruments in an orchestra playing in harmony for a symphony of success.

How websites track user activity

Websites track user activity through various methods, including using tracking software tools like Google Analytics and Search Console, which monitor and analyze visitor browsing behavior. 

These tools record elements on a page, user scrolling, and session recordings. Cookies, small text files stored on a user’s device, can remember preferences, login information, and browsing history. 

They can also track user activity across different websites and build a user profile. Fingerprinting, a technique that collects information about a user’s device, can create a unique identifier for the user and track their activity across different websites. 

Third-party tracking scripts, embedded in a website, can also track user activity across different websites, collecting data on user behavior such as page visits, page stays, and links clicked. 

Overall, tracking user activity is essential for maintaining a comprehensive understanding of user behavior and enhancing website performance.

How to stop a website tracking you

There are several ways to stop websites from tracking your activity. Here are some of them:

  1. Use a privacy-focused browser: Some browsers like Firefox and Brave have built-in features that block trackers and prevent websites from tracking your activity.
  2. Use browser extensions: There are several browser extensions like Ghostery and Privacy Badger that can block trackers and prevent websites from tracking your activity.
  3. Use the Do Not Track feature: Most modern browsers have a Do Not Track feature that sends a signal to websites requesting them not to track your activity.
  4. Clear your cookies: Clearing your cookies can help prevent websites from tracking your activity.
  5. Use a VPN: A VPN can help protect and block tracking

author rafsan alamin

What are the key components of web tracking?

The key components of web tracking include cookies and tracking pixels, user agents and device tracking, and IP tracking. These elements work together to monitor user activities, personalize content, and gather data for analysis.

How does web tracking benefit the user experience?

Web tracking improves the user experience by optimizing website navigation, tailoring content to individual preferences, and ensuring a seamless online journey. It helps businesses identify and address pain points, resulting in a more user-friendly and enjoyable interaction.

Are there privacy concerns associated with web tracking?

Yes, privacy concerns exist with web tracking. Businesses must adhere to privacy regulations such as GDPR, be transparent about data collection practices, and prioritize user privacy. Striking a balance between personalization and privacy is essential.

How can businesses address privacy concerns related to web tracking?

To address privacy concerns, businesses should be transparent about their data collection practices, obtain user consent, and comply with privacy regulations. Implementing robust security measures and clearly communicating privacy policies can build trust with users.

How can businesses adapt to users using ad blockers?

Adapting to users with ad blockers involves exploring alternative tracking techniques, providing value to users in exchange for data, and ensuring that the user experience is not compromised. Businesses should focus on delivering relevant and engaging content.

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